Friday, June 19, 2009

Do The Math and Lose It Now

A very common question I am asked is "How much weight can I lose in two weeks?" or "How long would it take me to lose 25 pounds?" The idea of losing a specific number of pounds in a set amount of time is how most people set out to lose weight.

My question for them is, "and then what?" What will you do after you lose 25 pounds and attend your high school reunion? What will you do after you go on a crazy diet for three weeks to fit into that little black dress?

Chances are you will go back to your usual eating habits (which, face it, probably aren't very healthy) and gain the weight right back. Then you'll be writing me six months later because it's time for holiday parties or beach season and you have 25 pounds to lose again.

What if your goal was not to lose a number of pounds by a certain date, but to adapt healthier eating habits? What if you could reduce your portions, substitute a candy bar for a piece of fruit or a granola bar, and go for a 20 minute walk each day? Well then you could lose two or three pounds a month. Most people would say that's not worth it, but lets take a look:

Ona scale from 1-10, how hard would it be to fit in a 20 minute walk on most days? This will lead to a pound loss each month.

On a scale from 1-10 how difficult would it be to check your portions at dinner and resist taking seconds and eating until your stuffed. You would probably feel much better well into the evening. This would lead to a pound loss at the end of the month.

On a scale from 1-10 how miserable would you really be to give up your afternoon candy bar? How much do you enjoy eating it, versus just looking forward to it? For how long after you eat the candy bar do you feel good? Substituting a healthier snack with more nutrients, including fiber, and less sugar and fat can lead you to yet another pound of weight loss at the end of the month.

Slowly, but surely, the weight will gradually come off as you adapt a few healthier habits. No crash diet, no giving up foods you like, no hours of exercise at the gym. Just a little walk, a little less food, a little smarter snacking. And one year from now--do the math--you'll have lost 36 pounds. Now how good does that sound?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Fat Acceptance

For several decades there has been a movement, and even an association--The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance--to influence our society to stop being prejudiced against fat people. Yes, they call themselves fat, and there's a carefully thought out reason for this: labeling a person as "overweight" or "obese" lends more credence to the condition because of the clinical and scientific sound of the title.

Now with over a full third of the American population obese (previously clinically defined as 20% above their ideal weight, and now as have a body mass index [BMI] of 30 or above) more and more are joining the movement. Many women claim that being fat--even weighing as much as 300 pounds--is not what makes them unhappy; dieting is what makes them unhappy. They want to stop obsessing about their weight and their eating and stop experiencing the prejudice and public gawking they suffer because of their size. The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA) works to have laws passed to prohibit discrimination in the work place and act to intervene when children who are overweight are bullied at school.

Indeed, these fat women assert that the number on the scale or the size of their clothing or the way that they look should not be what determines their acceptance in society, their happiness, or their self-worth. They point out that mental well-being is important just as physical health is, and that they suffer greatly from being singled out, stared at, and experiencing self-loathing because they don't meet society's ideal standard of weight.

For those who believe this is just an excuse for these fat people to eat what they please, most of them say they are concerned about their health and do keep up regular exercise and sensible eating. They go to their doctors for physicals and evaluations and many can honestly say that their blood pressure, cholesterol, and sugar levels are normal. They also point out the dangers of yo yo dieting, which are well documented.

While the people who are part of the fat acceptance movement say they are happier accepting their weight as it is, feeling great in every aspect of their life--including dressing well and finding worth in their family, relationships, and career insteadof their size--health professionals still acknowledge there is no denying that extra weight will more than likely contribute to chronic illnesses as these people age. No one can say being one hundred pounds overweight is good for you.

Another stand I take issue with is the NAAFA's statement that "society believes fat people are at fault for their size". I believe people are at fault for their size. As long as an overweight person attributes their weight to an outside factor--whether it's their metabolism or genetics, the fast food industry, or their destiny--taking the responsibility away from themselves is being in denial. This greatly reduces the chance they they will ever assume responsibility and do something to take control of their situation.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Check The Portion Size!

Today's tip: When you read the food label to see how many calories are in the food you are contemplating eating, be sure to look at the portion size!

You'll be very surprised to find that after you see "180 calories" on the king sized candy bar, if you read a bit further you will find there are "3 servings" contained within the wrapper! That means you'll have eaten 540 calories by the time you finish off the candy bar (which, let's face it, is going to happen before we eat half--or 1/3--and wrap the rest up for later!)

Even a can of tuna or a can of soup, a small bag of chips or a bottle of iced tea--foods that very obviously appear to be contained as one serving--will tell you on the label there are 2 or more servings in that package. Don't stop at the "Calories" on the label . . . read on to see how many portions you will be consuming if you finish the contents.